UNIT 1 OBJECTIVES ####Hello, my name is Trishia and I´ll lead your way along this course. ####In this unit we are going to learn how to describe people´s personality and appearance, link sentences by using the correct relative word and make deductions. ####UNIT 2 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to talk about probability and possibility, to hypothesize about the past, present and future, and to use vocabulary related to animals. ####UNIT 3 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to listen to people talking about their place. ####We are also going to learn how to use modals of obligation and advice, in the present and the past and how to use have/get something done. ####We are going to learn vocabulary related to the different types of housing, the different rooms in a house, the different types of housework and phrasal verbs related to personal relations. ####UNIT 4 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to use infinitives with or without to and–ing forms and to decide whether certain verbs are followed by infinitive or –ing or both. ####We are also going to use words, set phrases and idioms related to money and to talk about money matters. ####UNIT 5 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to learn some structures to emphasize some parts of the speech and we are also going to learn vocabulary related to crime. ####UNIT 6 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to talk about the past and about travelling, extreme sports and other leisure activities. ####UNIT 7 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to listen to people giving their opinion on TV and learn vocabulary related to TV: people, TV programmes and a TV guide. ####Grammar-wise, we are going to learn words and phrases to express contrast and impersonal passive structures. ####UNIT 8 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to learn vocabulary related to parts of the body, health and illness. Also, we are going to report statements, questions and commands. ####UNIT 9 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to learn to express wishes and regrets, talk about preferences with would rather and would sooner, give advice using had better and describe feelings. ####UNIT 10 OBJECTIVES ####In this unit we are going to use the Future Perfect and the Future Continuous, compounds with –ever, and the definite article when generalising. |