UNIT 1 NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER ####VOCABULARY Describing people: personality and appearance. Compound adjectives ####GRAMMAR Defi ning and non-defi ning relative clauses. Modals for deduction (past and present) ####WRITING An informal email ####PRONUNCIATION Compound adjectives #### ####UNIT 2 DOWN-TO-EARTH ####VOCABULARY Animal idioms. Animal collocations: animal sounds ####GRAMMAR Modals and expressions of probability. Conditionals. Alternatives to IF ####WRITING An article ####PRONUNCIATION Contractions. Linking #### ####UNIT 3 HOME SWEET HOME ####VOCABULARY Types of housing. Places in the home. Housework. Phrasal verbs connected to people relations ####GRAMMAR Modals of obligation/absence of obligation/prohibition/advice. Have/Get something done ####WRITING A report ####PRONUNCIATION Consonant clusters #### ####UNIT 4 A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS ####VOCABULARY Money. Jobs ####GRAMMAR Infi nitive versus –ing. Participle clauses ####WRITING A covering letter ####PRONUNCIATION Stress shift #### ####UNIT 5 CAUGHT RED-HANDED ####VOCABULARY Crime. Criminals ####GRAMMAR Emphasis (do, so and indeed). Cleft sentences. Inversions ####WRITING An opinion composition ####PRONUNCIATION How to sound emphatic #### ####UNIT 6 OUT AND ABOUT ####VOCABULARY Leisure activities: Travelling. Extreme sports ####GRAMMAR Used to, Would. Narrative tenses ####WRITING A blog post ####PRONUNCIATION-ED endings #### ####UNIT 7 TV OR NOT TV? ####VOCABULARY Headlines. Television (people, TV programmes and a TV guide) ####GRAMMAR Impersonal report structures. Contrast (despite, in spite of, although…) ####WRITING A “for and against” composition ####PRONUNCIATION Contrastive intonation #### ####UNIT 8 AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY ####VOCABULARY Health and illness. Idioms related to the parts of the body. Food and Diet ####GRAMMAR Reported speech. Reporting statements, commands and questions. ####WRITING A complaint email/letter ####PRONUNCIATION Homographs. Homophones #### ####UNIT 9 NO REGRETS JUST LESSONS LEARNED ####VOCABULARY Feelings ####GRAMMAR I wish/If only. Would rather, would sooner, had better. It´s time ####WRITING A personal anecdote ####PRONUNCIATION /s/ - /z/ - /?/ #### ####UNIT 10 FACEBOOK = LANGUAGE FACELIFT? ####VOCABULARY Compounds with –ever. The Internet. Fast Writing ####GRAMMAR Future perfect and continuous. Use of the article for generalizing ####WRITING A review ####PRONUNCIATION Words pronounced diff erently in Spanish/English #### ####LISTENING TRANSCRIPTS PER UNIT #### ####EXERCISE KEY |