UNIT 1 OBJECTIVES â?« To consolidate one´s knowledge about the present simple and present continuous. â?« To expand lexis related to family relationships. â?« To describe oneself and others both physically and their personality. â?« To inform and comprehend information referring to leisure activities. â?« To be aware of some cultural facts about Scotland. UNIT 2 OBJECTIVES â?« To learn how to use narrative sentences (Past Simple, past continuous and past perfect) correctly. â?« To pronounce the final -ed of regular verbs in the past accurately. â?« To comprehend orally and in writing a literary text. â?« To learn new vocabulary related to books and literature. â?« To become skilled at writing a book review. â?« To expand one´s cultural knowledge about England. UNIT 3 OBJECTIVES â?« To practise the different future tenses accurately depending on their use. â?« To learn vocabulary related to travelling. â?« To study the appropriate form, use and accurate intonation of Question Tags. â?« To get to know some sociocultural facts about Ireland. â?« To increase vocabulary related to the weather. â?« To become skilled at writing informal letters. â?« To distinguish what type of greeting card to write for a specific occasion. UNIT 4 OBJECTIVES â?« To differentiate the use of the Present Perfect and Past simple and use them correctly. â?« To make proper use of already, yet, still, just, since and for. â?« To pronounce accurately the different irregular verbs forms. â?« To expand one´s vocabulary related to food and drinks. â?« To comprehend oral and written texts that deal with cuisine. â?« To get to know some cultural facts about London. â?« To write a recipe. UNIT 5 OBJECTIVES â?« To make appropriate use of the different types of comparison in English. â?« To produce the sound Schwa accurately. â?« To learn more vocabulary related to shopping. â?« To understand an oral text referring to shopping. â?« To study cultural facts about Wales. â?« To produce a letter of complaint with the correct format, register and lexis. UNIT 6 OBJECTIVES â?« To study the use of the modal verbs. â?« To learn vocabulary and expressions related to work. â?« To understand and use acronyms when texting. â?« To make use of appropriate lexis when talking about New Technology. â?« To distinguish the use of -ing and -ed adjectives. â?« To pronounce the sound /Å?/ accurately. â?« To become skilled at writing a CV and a cover letter. â?« To discover new cultural facts about Northern Ireland. UNIT 7 OBJECTIVES â?« To learn the different types of conditional sentences. â?« To study the structure of the sentences with "wish". â?« To make use of appropriate linking words in oral and written texts. â?« To become aware of the differences in the British and American educational systems. â?« To pronounce the sound /Ê?/ accurately. â?« To produce a formal letter with the correct format and register. UNIT 8 OBJECTIVES â?« To learn how to report statements previously said. â?« To study vocabulary related to parts of the body and illnesses. â?« To expand one´s knowledge about cultural facts related to Australia. â?« To recognize silent letters in order to pronounce words accurately. â?« To make proper use of linking words both orally and in writing in order to make our production more complex and varied. UNIT 9 OBJECTIVES â?« To learn how to use the passive voice. â?« To study vocabulary related to films and cinema. â?« To create a film review. â?« To expand one´s cultural knowledge about New Zealand. â?« To gain a knowledge of strategies to keep a conversation going. |